Students completed Aalimiyah studies
Students completed Tahfeezul Quran
My years spent at Darul Uloom, have made memories which I have captured for life. The school is a means to my success today!

Moulana Hafeez Rehman
Business entrepreneur
The dedication and motivation I received from my teachers in both my Islamic and Academic studies are the reasons for my attainments till today.

Moulana Abdurrhaman Sufi
Secondary teacher
I would recommend Darul Uloom Dawatul Imaan to anyone as I felt welcome from the day I joined and I have greatly enjoyed my time there. Through the curriculum and the boarding experience I have become a confident young citizen ready to make a difference in our society. The teachers are friendly and supportive and the boarding environment is great. It's the perfect choice for anybody who wants to achieve a fantastic Islamic education along side their secular studies. At DUDI I have definitely excelled in all areas.

Moulana Huzaifah Hussain
Community Faith leader
My knowledge in Arabic and English has given me the advantage of being able to explore and take into account so many points of view. With the help of my Asaatizah, I am able to reach my full potential. Studying poetry, novels and plays, has helped me exceed my limits. the curriculum was always challenging and enjoyable!

Teacher of National Curriculum
The possibilities are endless and teachers are very engaging and inspiring. The teaching is tailored and focused.
All pupils receive a well grounded package an academic education in both fields, fantastic pastoral system and most of all a great boarding environment. The Darul Uloom, and all it's staff have helped me excel in all aspects, especially spiritually. I have definitely gained a closer connection with my faith.

Our family has been blessed by Darul Uloom Dawatul Imaan with the knowledge, characteristics and social skills my son has gained. It is a nurturing community of faith that provides support and allows us to enlighten each other on faith and other areas of life. It has also provided good Islamic and Secular Education in a safe environment. This has allowed my child to grow spiritually, morally, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Through this, my child has helped his siblings and the rest of our family to develop such important characteristic. Darul Uloom dawatul Imaan allows us to use and develop our talents given to us by God through academics, sports, fine arts, social programs and competitions.

Mr Ahmed Esakjee (Parent)
DUDI provides a faith-based, education for my son. He is developing educational skills that will benefit him for many years to come. I am confident that he is receiving a high-quality education which is second to none at DUDI because of the commitment of the teachers, staff, and parishioners who care very deeply for him and his future!

Anonymous Parent
I would highly recommend Darul Uloom Dawatul Imaan to anyone looking for an excellent pastoral programme and an Islamic environment for their child.
Alhamdulillah, throughout my studying years I was fortunate enough to be taught by great teachers who treated me like their own, taught me right from wrong and gave me an understanding of my responsibilities to the people around me.
After completing my Hifz I was blessed with opportunities to travel around Europe, leading taraweeh prayers and holding seminars which helped grow my confidence and interaction skills. Alhamdulillah, through the barakah of this I am now the Imaam of my local Masjid; leading prayers, delivering lectures/sermons and holding classes/awareness sessions for the youth. I also continue to carry the legacy of my great teachers by being an education practitioner!
My secular studies have also helped me become an interpreter working with the NHS, Police Department and local schools.
As an Imaam, not only do I work with Muslims, but I work with the wider community of different faiths and backgrounds, along side various schools and community leaders.

Moulana Mizan Rehman
Former parents/pupils are welcome to leave any feedback for the Darul Uloom. Please contact the Darul Uloom via the contact form or via e mail on info@dawatulimaan.org