Our vision at the Darul Uloom Dawatul Imaan is to develop responsible leaders for the benefit of society. We therefore prioritise the development of SMSC and PSHE of our students in order to facilitate their preparation for life in modern Britain. We recognise that such development plays a vital role in their ability to learn, achieve, and contribute to the wider society as British citizen. To achieve this, these are a few activities the students will undertake to achieve this goal.
- Taking part in, ‘Multi Faith Trail’
- Collecting fro the Foodbank
- Volunteering at the Foodbank
- Extra curricular trips
- Recreational Day trips
- Curriculum based trips
- Street cleaning
- Assemblies delivered by the Police, Fire service, Ambulance service and School Nurses
- Prevent training
- Fundraising for various charities
- Understanding democracy and increase citizenship awareness; visits to City hall and Magistrate Courts
- Sports days
- Open days for neighbours
- Bikeability training for pupils
- Museum Visits
- Career events
- Career Fairs
- First Aid Training
- Visiting different Faith centres
- School visits by the local MP
- Festive gifts for neighbours
- Awareness and use of public transport
- Local History trips
- Charity work; donating items for those in need